Solveig Sørbø NORWAY
Solveig Sørbø is a composer, music producer and musician who makes film music and music for her indie fusion band. She has played concerts in Norway, Germany and Italy, her music has been featured in audiovisual productions and she recently scored the docufilm “Hans + Liv” (Speranza film). She is interested in mixing symphonic sections with electroacoustics and synthesized sounds, employing various tonalities and incorporate improvised elements and sonifications. With a strong commitment to traditional elements including melody and harmony she aims at creating music that has a standalone value as well as supports the vision defined by the project.
-Hans + Liv (Speranza Film) -TBA (under consideration) SYNC PLACEMENTS -Gnos Mo (Conversaciones - Errante Films) -Boogie With Your Bonnie (Pleaser - DR3 / Pineapple) MUSIC VIDEOS/SHORTS -Aether Trouble - collaboration with music visualizing researcher Olivier Lartillot -Om Song’s Blooms - art film by Jean-Baptiste Decavele -Super-Sister - music video -Psy - music video -Gnos Mo - audiovisual EP |
With Pysj: -Singles: Om Song - Boogie With Your Bonnie - Yellow Duck - Super-Sister - Feedback Loops - Om Song -Double singles: Sun + Skyman - Gnos Mo / Om Song -EPs: Gnos Mo -Remixed by Ishq, ILKAMA; Center of the Universe, Arctica, Kim Dürbeck, Verde, sea change, Beax -Upcoming: Baby Ghost (album) As Solveig Sørbø: -Single: Jeg kjenner de døde (song from Hans + Liv) -Upcoming: The rest of the film music (album) -Improvisations over my music by Derek Gripper -Recording new versions of my music played by Arve Tellefsen and Ayumi Tanaka UPCOMING -Hyrsylan Koulu 2021 - composing for / working with Lohja City Orchestra (TBC). -Concerts in 2022 |